Rabu, 26 Juli 2023



Jumat, 21 Juli 2023. 

di sekolah saya terdapat murid didik baru, yang baru saja menyelesaikan MPLSnya, yang kemudian di isi dengan promosi beberapa ekstra di sekolah, salah satunya,

paskibraka SMK N 4 Semarang menampilkan pasukannya yang sangat menarik dan luar biasa.

formasi yang sangat bagus dan unik, seragam yang selaras dan danton dengan suara khas nya yang menggelegar, menambah penampilan menjadi lebih luar biasa.

Paskibra sekolah saya sangat berprestasi, banyak sekali meraih kejuaraan di luar sekolah.

Future Job

 Refleksi 26-7-2023

in this lesson, my friends and i Made a presentation about the job we want, after that we were given reading assignments and dialogues that discussed work

This job i want in the future, is to be a woman who owns a business in the food and building sector.

The reason i want to have this job because, even though the era has developed to be very sophisticated, humanis still need food and shelter, therefore i want to have this job because difficult to be replaced by robots or AI

This is the result of the group assignments we completed.

Thank you for taking the time to read on my blog.