Minggu, 29 Januari 2023

Understanding survey

 Understanding Surveys

Hello everyone, kali ini saya akan membagikan informasi mengenai survei, pasti udah ga asing ya dengan survei, tapi pasti kalian belum sepenuhnya mengerti apasi survei itu, fungsinya apa aja, kemudian contohnya kaya apa sih.

penjelasan - penjelasan ada di bawah sini, yukk kita liat.

1. Definition survey

        primary data collection method by providing questions to individual respondents. So it can be concluded that the survey is a method for collecting information from groups that represent a population ( a large number of respondents).

2. Survey purpose 

  • Collecting data is simple
  • Presenting data from research objects
  • Explain or explain ( study a phenomenon)

3. Survey example 

4. Expressions and sentences
     Used in survey ( Question)

5. Type - type survey
  • Personal Survey. Survey conducted privately and not published.
  • Omnibus survey. Several short Surveys are combined into a questionnaire and generally carried out on a regular basis.
  • Advocacy survey. Oversight to fight for a problem.
  • Internal poll. Self administered poll.
  • In - house poll. Interviews were conducted at the respondent's house. 
  • Quick Count. Information gathering activities regarding the election process and vote acquisition carried out by volunteers through direct observation at selected TPS.
  • Exit polls. Supervision is carried out immediately after voters leave the polling place (TPS).

6. Doing survey


 From the survey above, it can be concluded that the majority (69,2%) of the students di not smoke, and a small proportion (30,8%) smoked. 

From the survey above, we can see that students reasons for smoking are very diverse, but most of then smoke on their own Accord.

From the survey above, many people think smoking is dangerous, even very very dangerous. However, there are also some people who still think smoking is completely harmless.

From the survey above, we can concluded that there are many ways to protect ourselves from the rise of smoking among students. however, it cannot be denied that there are some students who do not know how to protect themselves so they do not fall.

From the survey above, we can concluded that many students want to change themselves for the better l, namely by reducing smoking and even quitting smoking. but we cannot avoid that many students still want to keep smoking even though they already know the dangers.

From the survey above, we can see that many people choose to jog to keep their bodies healthy, some also do badminton, but they also choose many other sports.

From the survey above, it can be concluded that the majority (69,2%) of the students di not smoke, and a small proportion (30,8%) smoked. We can  see that students reasons for smoking are very diverse, but most of then smoke on their own Accord. many people think smoking is dangerous, even very very dangerous. However, there are also some people who still think smoking is completely harmless. many people think smoking is dangerous, even very very dangerous. However, there are also some people who still think smoking is completely harmless.  we can concluded that there are many ways to protect ourselves from the rise of smoking among students. however, it cannot be denied that there are some students who do not know how to protect themselves so they do not fall. we can concluded that many students want to change themselves for the better l, namely by reducing smoking and even quitting smoking. but we cannot avoid that many students still want to keep smoking even though they already know the dangers. we can see that many people choose to jog to keep their bodies healthy, some also do badminton, but they also choose many other sports.

Thanks for watching 

Senin, 16 Januari 2023


 Haii besti hari ini saya akan memberikan sedikit informasi mengenai cara membuat tabel dalam bahasa Inggris.

Understanding tables

1. Definition of tables

A table is an arrangement of data in rows and columns, or perhaps in a more complex structure. Tables are widely used in communication, research, and data analysis.

2. function of tables

  • Provide concise and concise information. Tables are used to explain a fact or information briefly and more interestingly than using words.
  • Explaining Facts. The table usually contains data in the form of information obtained from research, from other sources, and so on, of course the data and information in the table can be accounted for.
  • Inserting a table in a text document
  • sort data

3. Sample of a table


From this table , the information are average percentage of money per month spent by consumers on fashion/clothing, entertainment/leisure and transport in 5 different countries. 

 4. Table family expense / week


the table tell US about the details of shopping prices in one week

5. A plan to design a 300 M house

Selasa, 03 Januari 2023

Learning Reflection

 refleksi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada awal pertemuan tanggal 2 Januari 2023

Menurut saya, materi yang di berikan kemaren Senin tanggal 2 Januari 2023, sangat bermanfaat karena, bu Yuni mengajarkan sesuatu yang saya belum ketahui. Saya di ajarkan Bu Yuni untuk membuat portofolio, dan juga di beri tugas untuk membuat resolusi untuk tahun ini, kemudian di edit melalui canva dan di postingan di Instagram.

menurut saya langkah - langka pembelajaran yang di berikan Bu Yuni, sangat mudah di pahami, karena beliau menerangkan dengan ringkas,runtut, dan sangat jelas.

menurut saya Instragram adalah salah satu media sosial yang bermanfaat bagi semua orang untuk memposting beberapa aktivitas mereka, dan informasi yang berguna lainnya, sebagai konsumsi para masyarakat. juga jika kita membuat konten di Instagram harus yang linier atau sejenis, agar enak di pandang.

menurut saya, kita harus membuat konten yang bermanfaat, mengedukasi, dan menarik, agar para pengguna sosmed tertarik untuk melihatnya, juga harus konsisten dalam membuat konten, jangan membiarkan akun pasif.

menurut saya, portofolio adalah salah satu kegiatan yang bermanfaat, salah satu fungsinya untuk memperlihatkan kemampuan dan keunggulan pada diri kita,juga untuk melatih kepercayaan diri.

menurut saya, untuk waktu pembelajaran 4 jam itu sudah cukup efektif untuk kita melaksanakan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM). 

menurut saya, sarana pembelajaran kemaren tidak membuat bosan, karena kita menggunakan sosial media untuk pelaksanaan KBM, seperti Instragram, dan aplikasi canva, dengan menggunakan sarana tersebut, membuat kita sebagai siswa tidak cepat merasa bosan, dengan begitu sangat senang mengerjakan tugas yang di berikan oleh Bu Yuni.

demikian refleksi yang dapat saya sampaikan dari pembelajaran pada hari Senin tanggal 2 Januari 2023


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